Women's Day and Men's Day are unique day in the CPP Poland Team calendar.
Our male Directors and Managers have made special wishes and thanks for the ladies to appreciate the role they have in our organization and in the society. This year, we also continued the tradition of the man's day - ladies with a smile and sweets were making wishes to male part of CPP PL Team.
We constantly strive to increase the diversity of our crew. More and more women work for CPP Poland every year, they hold positions at every level of the organizational structure. We are convinced that a diverse team is also a variety of competences that allow us to look at all projects from a broader perspective, it is a guarantee of faster answer to changes and better response to customer needs.
We differ and complement each other - we share responsibility and duties, and together enjoy our achievements and successes.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, once again - on the occasion of Women and Men's Day, we would like to express our best wishes and appreciation for your professionalism and contribution to your work.